Category Archives: News

Value Networks and Business Models of Information-centric Networking

I gave a presentation in the Future Media Distribution using Information Centric Networks event organized by the SAIL and EFRAIM projects on February 13, 2013 in Stockholm, Sweden. The presentation slide set below discusses the value networks and business models of information-centric content delivery. The presentation is divided into two topics. Firstly, the generic value network roles of information-centric content delivery are described. Secondly, these roles are used to construct an evolutionary business model adoption strategy for ISPs.

The presentation is based on the results of the SAIL project, which are published in the project deliverables, especially in Section 3.5 of the D.A.8 deliverable. All the relevant deliverables are listed below:

  1. D.A.1: Description of project wide scenarios and use cases (Sections 7-9)
  2. D.A.7: New business models and business dynamics of the future networks (Section 3)
  3. D.A.8: Evaluation of business models (Section 3)

We have an academic paper on this topic on the pipeline and the value networks are also discussed in the tussle analysis paper written in collaboration with the people from the SESERV and PURSUIT projects.

Academic homepage open

Hello world!

My new academic homepage is open. The old page at is obsolete and redirects here. You can find my publications and presentations from the pages, as well as information about teaching, some links and my CV. I will also publish news concerning new publications, presentations and research projects. RSS feed is one way to stay updated on my research.

Finally, I want to thank Timo Smura, whose academic homepage provided inspiration to me.

– Tapio Levä